Fox News
Spending the night in Chicago? Get ready to pay more in taxes than you would if you had opted for a trip to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. A new study by the Global Business Travel Association or GBTA Foundation found that taxes on travel-related services like hotel stays, car rentals and restaurant meals were an average of 57 percent higher than general sales taxes. The study, which took ...Boston joined Chicago and New York to round out the top three highest overall tax cities for visitors. . . Read more:
Travelers Use Smartphones, Tablets To Book Hotels
CIO Today
Myriad options abound when it comes to hotel-booking apps for your smartphone or tablet, and many offer ways to book last-minute rooms. Hotel Tonight offers a sleek way to get a deal and book a room in a few taps, while Jetsetter offers limited-time ...

CIO Today
Travel And The Notion Of 'Home'
Huffington Post (blog)
Recently, a fellow travel blogger mentioned me on Facebook. "You basically call Bangkok home now," he prefaced his comment, referring to the fact that I recently changed my "Current City." I couldn't humor him with an answer to his Bangkok-specific ...
Travel Leaders Group survey reveals trends for Holiday Travel
Sacramento Bee
PLYMOUTH, Minn., Sept. 10, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Even though the fall season has barely begun, savvy travelers in the United States should already be planning and booking holiday travel right now, according travel agents participating in a new survey ...
Ugh, More Travel Fees: Not Wanting to Be Left Out, Cruises Pile on New ...
In the travel business, the nickel-and-dime model rules. Fees are now tacked on to nearly every aspect of flying with a domestic airline, and hotels are on pace to collect record-high fees in 2012. Fees aren't exactly new to the cruise industry, but as ...

How Time Travel Works According to Rian Johnson
Film School Rejects
If the logic behind the time travel is off, audiences might be forgiving, but there's a special brand of nerd (I'm raising my hand) who has extreme difficulty looking beyond illogical time travel. The perfectly legitimate reason is that bad time travel ...
Travel Channel greenlights trio: Cable net expands unscripted slate
Chicago Tribune
September 10, 2012|A.J. Marechal | Variety. Travel Channel continues to invest in its unscripted slate, greenlighting three new half-hour series. Cabler has ordered six episodes of each skein. "Edge of America" follows entertainment journo Geoff Edgers ...
Travel industry is fueling our recovery
Blizzard is chairman of the NC Travel and Tourism Coalition. As we reflect on the recent passing of another Labor Day, it is fitting to recognize an engine for our nation's economic growth and American job creation — travel — which has been driving ...
Travel to Mexico's Riviera Maya is Safe and Worth Every Penny
Travelers seeking the ultimate in high-luxury accommodations, authentic cultural immersion, peerless culinary expertise and transcendent spa experiences are advised to plan their next trip to Maroma Resort & Spa in Mexico's Riviera Maya. Unparalleled...

Tuesday Travel Ticker: Texas ups the ante
Los Angeles Times
The Texas Transportation Commission has approved the highest speed limit in the country -- 85 mph -- for a 40-mile-long toll road between Austin and San Antonio . . . . The first-ever "Tour de Antelope Valley" family campout and bicycle fun ride will ...
Air Travel is Going to the Birds - Airbus Announces Fuel-Efficient ...
By Kristine Lofgren
air travel, airbus, aircraft, fuel efficient airplanes, greener transportation, sustainable design ... If you're a jet-setter who feels that air travel has lost some of its luster, then put your seat back in its upright position and ... Daylighting, Decorative Objects, Design for Health, Detroit Auto Show, Disaster-proof design, DIY, Eco Textiles, Eco Tourism, Eco Travel, Eco-Inspiration, Ecouterre, Electric Cars, energy efficiency, environmental destruction, Fall Green Fashion Week 2007, Features, Film ...
Travel Photography Inspiration Project: Germany
By Peter West Carey
It's been a while since I have made a travel inspiration post and I do apologize. It seems I have been spending too much time traveling and not enough on the computer. But now that school is back in session here in the USA and my own ...
Digital Photography School
Space Travel To Include Interstellar Trips In 100 Years |
By Chris Owen
The idea of space travel has its fans. But other than NASA astronauts or those wiling to pay a hefty fee to Richard Branson for.
[VIDEO] Fringe Season 5 Observer PSA — Travel Protocol - TVLine
By Matt Webb Mitovich
If you find yourself in the year 2036, living in a society ruled by chrome-domed, fedora-favoring overlords, and you want to take a drive to see your Aunt Ethel in the next town over, you'd be well-advised to first heed this latest edict from Fringe's ...
Travel Channel Greenlights Three Unscripted Series -
The network has added a trio of original unscripted series that have already begun filming. The are journalist Geoff Edgers' Edge Of America, which showcas.
Follow @LaIslaPlaya
CIO Today
Myriad options abound when it comes to hotel-booking apps for your smartphone or tablet, and many offer ways to book last-minute rooms. Hotel Tonight offers a sleek way to get a deal and book a room in a few taps, while Jetsetter offers limited-time ...
CIO Today
Travel And The Notion Of 'Home'
Huffington Post (blog)
Recently, a fellow travel blogger mentioned me on Facebook. "You basically call Bangkok home now," he prefaced his comment, referring to the fact that I recently changed my "Current City." I couldn't humor him with an answer to his Bangkok-specific ...
Travel Leaders Group survey reveals trends for Holiday Travel
Sacramento Bee
PLYMOUTH, Minn., Sept. 10, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- Even though the fall season has barely begun, savvy travelers in the United States should already be planning and booking holiday travel right now, according travel agents participating in a new survey ...
Ugh, More Travel Fees: Not Wanting to Be Left Out, Cruises Pile on New ...
In the travel business, the nickel-and-dime model rules. Fees are now tacked on to nearly every aspect of flying with a domestic airline, and hotels are on pace to collect record-high fees in 2012. Fees aren't exactly new to the cruise industry, but as ...
How Time Travel Works According to Rian Johnson
Film School Rejects
If the logic behind the time travel is off, audiences might be forgiving, but there's a special brand of nerd (I'm raising my hand) who has extreme difficulty looking beyond illogical time travel. The perfectly legitimate reason is that bad time travel ...
Travel Channel greenlights trio: Cable net expands unscripted slate
Chicago Tribune
September 10, 2012|A.J. Marechal | Variety. Travel Channel continues to invest in its unscripted slate, greenlighting three new half-hour series. Cabler has ordered six episodes of each skein. "Edge of America" follows entertainment journo Geoff Edgers ...
Travel industry is fueling our recovery
Blizzard is chairman of the NC Travel and Tourism Coalition. As we reflect on the recent passing of another Labor Day, it is fitting to recognize an engine for our nation's economic growth and American job creation — travel — which has been driving ...
Travel to Mexico's Riviera Maya is Safe and Worth Every Penny
Travelers seeking the ultimate in high-luxury accommodations, authentic cultural immersion, peerless culinary expertise and transcendent spa experiences are advised to plan their next trip to Maroma Resort & Spa in Mexico's Riviera Maya. Unparalleled...
Tuesday Travel Ticker: Texas ups the ante
Los Angeles Times
The Texas Transportation Commission has approved the highest speed limit in the country -- 85 mph -- for a 40-mile-long toll road between Austin and San Antonio . . . . The first-ever "Tour de Antelope Valley" family campout and bicycle fun ride will ...
Air Travel is Going to the Birds - Airbus Announces Fuel-Efficient ...
By Kristine Lofgren
air travel, airbus, aircraft, fuel efficient airplanes, greener transportation, sustainable design ... If you're a jet-setter who feels that air travel has lost some of its luster, then put your seat back in its upright position and ... Daylighting, Decorative Objects, Design for Health, Detroit Auto Show, Disaster-proof design, DIY, Eco Textiles, Eco Tourism, Eco Travel, Eco-Inspiration, Ecouterre, Electric Cars, energy efficiency, environmental destruction, Fall Green Fashion Week 2007, Features, Film ...
Travel Photography Inspiration Project: Germany
By Peter West Carey
It's been a while since I have made a travel inspiration post and I do apologize. It seems I have been spending too much time traveling and not enough on the computer. But now that school is back in session here in the USA and my own ...
Digital Photography School
Space Travel To Include Interstellar Trips In 100 Years |
By Chris Owen
The idea of space travel has its fans. But other than NASA astronauts or those wiling to pay a hefty fee to Richard Branson for.
[VIDEO] Fringe Season 5 Observer PSA — Travel Protocol - TVLine
By Matt Webb Mitovich
If you find yourself in the year 2036, living in a society ruled by chrome-domed, fedora-favoring overlords, and you want to take a drive to see your Aunt Ethel in the next town over, you'd be well-advised to first heed this latest edict from Fringe's ...
Travel Channel Greenlights Three Unscripted Series -
The network has added a trio of original unscripted series that have already begun filming. The are journalist Geoff Edgers' Edge Of America, which showcas.
Follow @LaIslaPlaya
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